Monday, November 30, 2009

Leave all the days behind

Chad Smith was interviewed by Dave Ling

Chad Smith was interviewed by Ling and in this interview he lets clear the unconfortable state when Ling asking him about Frusciante:

"So the Chilis have finally returned to work, following the 2006 double-set Stadium Arcadium. Did guitarist John Frusciante, who in recent interviews seemed to express antipathy towards doing so, take some persuading?
[Sounding uncomfortable]: Well… at this time I can’t talk about that. I have been told to stay away from the John questions"

The Frusciante quits / leaves rumour history

Some days ago I've wrote a post in which I was just telling what I've read John Frusciante will be replaced by Josh? was the title. I've received so much criticisms about that. But even that is just a rumour inside I feel "There was something wrong"...

All this feeling about "There was something wrong" starts on SA tour when John was singing a music (How Deep Is Your Love) and Kiedis just try to sing with him and something seems to be very weird.

F: "Oh sorry!!!......FUCK!!" and then AK and Chad immediately stop!
AK: "Sorry John....didn't mean to throw you off"
F: "oh no it wasn't you I just learned that song today so"....
AK: "I may have to learn the Demented 5th just to chime in there"

Some guys on forum have guessed this as a funny thing I'm not! (but surely it's just views)

Connecting the facts:
  • John's interview "There is no plan!"
  • Josh leaves Warpaint.
  • Chad is been told to not comment about Frusciante.
My final (personal) opinion is stronger now... As always I just want the happiness of all four guys. The Empyrean album is awsome and I'm glad about the new chili CD history. This topic will be discussed deeper and deeper... it's normal! If they're happy so I'm happy too! (and I'm hearding Communication Breakdown - Led)

You can follow the fans discussing on stadium-arcadium forum.

My Original Source : stadium-arcadium forum

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